
1111_County 911_

01-01-13: (User: 4614189) Business
01-07-42: (User: 1131) it’s gamma area as well we a time rule, because I probably won blast drive all protocol responding fromends to University.
01-07-49: (User: 4614180) or any zero, not plain.
01-07-56: (User: 4631029) And for skies around.
01-08-01: (User: 783051) If you want to search title for property.
01-08-13: (User: 1131) If they tune into the bottom milk and start with an automobile, number one birch drive, I’ll just play if they can hear someone knocking on the outside of the vessel.
01-08-17: (User: 4614180) We’re now here…
01-08-21: (User: 4631029) High tag material is occupied at February 3rd, 9.4,EL four Quechin High for school. MYS platoon allows to make research overwhelm and services insights into nutrition training for washing state study videos that continue identification. Iropolis
01-08-26: (User: 1131) We’re going to contact Washington County so you have anybody available.
01-09-29: (User: 1131) Now, if we want to do a one-end court, the Washington Sheriff’s Office goes on two share of hands from Washington County into our County News. And see you next time.
01-09-32: (User: 4614199) I like that.
01-09-35: (User: 4614180) I want to die, nonprofit.
01-09-39: (User: 4614016) but I’m very lucky, I have only 70% of you
01-09-44: (User: 1131) Not for my advisor about 30 minutes out.
01-12-50: (User: 4614199) where are one of the ninelings, how many in Philly are there?
01-12-52: (User: 1131) Now 112.
01-14-52: (User: 1131) Okay, call 1 and 0, 1 and 4, up you can go up this you’re good.
01-14-59: (User: 4614016) That’s where I’ll be continuing, I’m closer than that.
01-15-04: (User: 1131) The Washington County Sheriff’s is. I just talked to him and shook him up and came over carefully.
01-15-12: (User: 4614180) K-D
01-15-15: (User: 1131) 1 second.
01-16-59: (User: 1131) And 800 billion million media users,
01-17-10: (User: 4631097) I’m sure you’re counting. I’ll need for an overview.
01-17-14: (User: 1131) Perfect, secret in
01-17-16: (User: 4631097) That’s probably.
01-17-18: (User: 1131) Appreciate it, Juan Pote.
01-17-23: (User: 1131) One pin four. One pin nine, one
01-17-29: (User: 4614189) It looks very abrupt.
01-17-33: (User: 4614168) you would like to see how that’s your eyes
01-17-38: (User: 1131) 117.
01-19-41: (User: 4614199) We’ll see you tomorrow and then again.
01-19-43: (User: 1131) Kantie.
01-19-49: (User: 4614199) I noticed the area, they’re gonna cut it away by myself while I’m Julie answers
01-19-51: (User: 1131) See if I can have 190.
01-25-02: (User: 1131) knowing new child’s flexibility, talent and health as well as free seven year friendly growth fab we couldn’t grow goodness
01-25-10: (User: 4614016) That’s what I was saying.
01-25-15: (User: 4614180) $80.87 pounds,
01-25-22: (User: 784448) Subs by www.Bacher UponnoC
01-25-41: (User: 1131) This is for Tom Milton’s 378 Penley Road. The hall is advised and there’s a mail to location in Allen’s Road, 61 years old, screaming at crying. He says, I’m looking to harm anyone just needs to go to MHU.
01-25-45: (User: 4614016) All right, Morten.
01-25-48: (User: 4614180) neat dealing
01-25-52: (User: 1131) Basically, N and
01-26-00: (User: 4614016) That address is going to be closer to the south of town.
01-26-05: (User: 1131) What do you so stand by? Let me take this quick one.
01-26-10: (User: 4614016) I’m pretty sure it is too.
01-26-22: (User: 1131) That’s our cluster 2, 6 to 7 media, just north between 6 to 7 version.
01-26-25: (User: 4614016) Thanks hanging in.
01-26-37: (User: 1131) There, guys, at the mailhouse, run away from the residents multiple times this evening, having chitley with these weren’t but no-no pants on a t-shirt.
01-26-42: (User: 4614016) He’s still there, Lah
01-26-45: (User: 1131) That informative.
01-28-01: (User: 4614130) level of hotels that are concerned, which you can take for a year to reuse it.
01-28-03: (User: 1131) Velvet 144.
01-36-16: (User: 4614016) Thank you, I’m alright.
01-36-26: (User: 1131) Aargh
01-36-36: (User: 4614016) and for tonight’s show all three of you.
01-36-40: (User: 1131) Keep operating unit up to me on at 136.
01-43-36: (User: 4614130) Forward to your Al Com constructor.
01-43-40: (User: 1131) Fair, one point three.
01-50-38: (User: 4614199) Falon et clay, I’ll help them real
01-50-45: (User: 1131) First, we’ll take four on nine and a second, so we’ll have 15. We’ll also have you for the domestic at 150.
01-59-04: (User: 1131) Category one minute.
01-59-08: (User: 4614199) I got it.
01-59-09: (User: 1131) ed

1112_Sheriff 1_

01-14-26: (User: 4614189) Oh, and I share this with you.
01-14-29: (User: 1122) Chair for question.
01-14-34: (User: 4614189) We’re clearing out that we’ll get around to where else the drill is.
01-14-36: (User: 1122) I’m working.
01-14-38: (User: 1122) Just touch on back for a second.
01-14-46: (User: 4614154) I’d do, I’d be clear when I’m fighting.
01-14-49: (User: 1122) Clear on 14.
01-17-04: (User: 4631097) you inept
01-44-22: (User: 4614016) Five four shares, just head.
01-44-24: (User: 1122) Share with us.
01-44-29: (User: 4614016) All right, one to share the last one.
01-44-31: (User: 1122) Erm, un cocor k
01-44-50: (User: 4631081) Eight zero zero zero zero. Do not load our clouds. Here’s one. Thank you.
01-44-54: (User: 4614016) Bye.
01-45-03: (User: 4631081) You hold up for just a minute and we have to give me some information to take to the hospital.
01-45-33: (User: 4614016) Yes sir, I’m right over.
01-47-25: (User: 4614016) Bye for sure.
01-47-27: (User: 1122) Share this question.
01-47-31: (User: 4614016) I won’t mind naming you the person here.
01-47-33: (User: UNK) Go ahead.
01-47-48: (User: 4614016) Last thing is going to be George Robert, either Ocean Union X-Ray, person who is going to be Allen, Calvin, Middle, some of these J’s and John, the universe has 1236 digit.
01-47-52: (User: UNK) Perfect!
01-48-54: (User: 4614016) That’s why we call it a huge difference.
01-48-56: (User: UNK) Thank you.
01-49-44: (User: 1122) Share this that’s going on for.
01-49-49: (User: 4614016) You
01-49-54: (User: 1122) and I’m putting technology on file and your case for 39.4.
01-49-56: (User: 4614016) Thank you.
01-50-08: (User: 4614168) all the decisions belive
01-50-10: (User: 1122) Share this best.
01-50-14: (User: 4614168) We clear QA and service.
01-50-19: (User: 1122) select
01-50-47: (User: 1122) Addressive warning, what?
01-50-50: (User: 4614016) Go ahead.
01-50-56: (User: 1122) I found his DID would pass all of these non-driverity only. Did you have any good of opiates?
01-51-00: (User: 4614016) 50 was the value of his last incorrect.
01-51-11: (User: 1122) Bless name, or is Ida Robert Ocean Union X-ray First Name Adam Lincoln, Adam Laura.
01-51-15: (User: 4614016) Please, hold it on, alright Thank youh
01-51-17: (User: 1122) Thank you.
01-51-54: (User: 4614180) Morning being here.
01-51-57: (User: 1122) Cheers!
01-51-59: (User: 4614180) Comp
01-52-01: (User: 1122) I want you to do it.

1113_Sheriff 2_

111_Fire 1 _

112_Fire 2 _




















1711_Saratoga MRD_

01-49-45: (User: 1131) remix
01-50-00: (User: UNK) Thanks, see you soon!
01-50-14: (User: 1131) 2, 7, 5, number 58 Wilson Avenue between Main Street and Prospect Street. Over the 17-year-old male, I would have just been with his mother and he’s currently a lot taller than the resident.
01-50-21: (User: UNK) Thank you.
01-50-24: (User: 1131) in favor my year out until my unit.
01-50-27: (User: UNK) There you go.
01-50-31: (User: 1131) First, I’ll get you a backup unit to start from the talent.
01-53-25: (User: UNK) 17 AF be only 4,5,4,11 soft.
01-53-27: (User: 1131) Very loud.
01-53-31: (User: UNK) Yeah
01-53-34: (User: 1131) in area one p country.
01-53-39: (User: UNK) bill and caller
01-53-44: (User: 1131) From the College of May, Victor Highland should be way now done.
01-53-48: (User: UNK)
01-58-40: (User: UNK) We have attempted to move them over the morning.
01-58-41: (User: 1131) on.
01-58-49: (User: UNK) I’m too sure.
01-58-55: (User: 1131) presented

2111_EMS 1_

01-23-55: (User: 733851) Yeah, very easy, do you want?
01-23-58: (User: 1127) Okay, I’m out there. Good morning.
01-24-01: (User: 733851) 30 few hours, are you kidding me?
01-24-03: (User: 1127) Yeah, 1.24.
01-28-46: (User: 745761) He Grayson and really I’ll give you a hug over there
01-28-48: (User: 1128) Does everyone want to be fine?
01-28-51: (User: 745761) Tell us if anybody there will.
01-28-54: (User: 1128) Okay, one for you.
01-36-43: (User: 733850) September oversee 3
01-36-45: (User: 1127) Reading per pretty
01-36-48: (User: 733850) Grounding4000 markers.
01-36-51: (User: 1127) That one three six.
01-38-20: (User: 737155) lighting.
01-38-23: (User: 1127) You met someone, bye bye.
01-38-25: (User: 737155) An’t dyan !
01-38-27: (User: 1127) Pell participant.
01-38-33: (User: UNK) Thank you very much. I’ll be back for a while.
01-38-35: (User: 1127) See you next time if I work.
01-38-37: (User: UNK) Clear back in.
01-38-41: (User: 1127) Outrage?
01-38-44: (User: 731954) It’s a record for that record
01-38-59: (User: 731954) Thank you. Thank you, thank you. Bye-bye.
01-39-01: (User: 1127) Any rest of my teeth by four?
01-39-05: (User: 731954) Thank you, outgoinghran. V writer!
01-39-07: (User: 1127) Now, I’ll do that.
01-50-17: (User: 737155) see you in a liability.
01-50-19: (User: 1127) Okay, thanks.
01-50-24: (User: 737155) the most corresponds to the past. .
01-50-25: (User: 1127) hooked Kle Fusion

2112_EMS 2_

212_C_O Team_


2511_County to Hosp_



3120_Cftn Prk Sewer_

3211_Fire Police_

3214_TAC-24 Inter_

3311_Cftn Prk Sec 1_

3411_Highway 1_

3412_Highway 2_

3413_Highway 3_

3414_Highway 4_

3415_Highway 5_


4156_PSAP 56_

4190_Fulton I_O_

4191_Washington I_O_

4910_NPS Ranger_

511_FireEMS Disp_

01-28-42: (User: 1570) You mascul


5611_S Springs PD_

01-30-38: (User: 7222697) 13 anything. I’m off with 9i’s 1 quantity.
01-30-41: (User: 2001) time for go ahead
01-30-48: (User: 7222697) 665-747-129 right now.
01-31-17: (User: 2004) 42 13.
01-31-20: (User: 7222697) Thank you.
01-31-27: (User: 2004) entity bridge reality empty Allenу
01-31-30: (User: 7222697) Thank you.
01-32-36: (User: 7222385) That’s youracity.
01-32-43: (User: 2001) Time for go ahead.
01-32-50: (User: 7222385) your 747-256-055.
01-33-07: (User: 2004) Thank you very much
01-33-10: (User: 7222385)
01-33-18: (User: 2004) Neffat
01-35-09: (User: 7223185) which one i want any from
01-35-11: (User: 2001) Pay it,
01-35-15: (User: 7223185) Come on, night out. Can you tell me this?
01-35-50: (User: 2001) 20 on your case, 2 0 3 6.
01-35-52: (User: UNK) █V
01-40-08: (User: 714204) Or do the other.
01-40-12: (User: 2001) and for your head.
01-40-19: (User: 714204) Your Lincoln’s brain canry. 5-3-6-8.
01-40-53: (User: 2004) 42.04 that’s valid 2020 heavy-crivers gray to a sport that’s managed out in this master out of Queenberry. Here’s a valid G, 4.65 NCNC opening.
01-40-59: (User: 714204) and for other vehicle setup for our good spring.
01-41-03: (User: 2004) Have you probably a spring?
01-42-00: (User: 714204) or a dome off of the arrow. I’m scared.
01-42-06: (User: 2004) Kathy Arrozverella, Cn
01-42-09: (User: 714204) Thank you.
01-42-28: (User: 7222697) quotation in its amplifier.
01-42-30: (User: UNK) thank you
01-43-02: (User: 714204) or any tone we can be able to verbal want it.
01-43-04: (User: UNK) yarn.
01-43-39: (User: 2004) number 12 submissions
01-44-33: (User: 714204) Or do try to stop.
01-44-37: (User: 2001) but
01-44-45: (User: 714204) We’re Broadway as an arterial to this new or can we Robert Lincoln 970.
01-44-55: (User: 2001) inputs.
01-46-12: (User: 7223189) Or do you run the R?
01-46-39: (User: 2001) and for the chief Patriot showing valid fire inspection needed to 29, 2024 to a mall issuing valid data balls from like NCIC’s negative.
01-46-44: (User: 7223189) 10 4.
01-47-55: (User: 714204) or to don’t be tiny at the verbal.
01-47-58: (User: 2001) to uncontested

5612_SSPD 2_

5631_SSPD Events_

5652_SSprings DPW2_


6056_StogaSpr FD_

01-43-37: (User: 735654) Greater fades, by six o’clock.
01-43-43: (User: 2004) Tired if that’s it!
01-43-47: (User: 735654) week Kel as a house.
01-43-50: (User: 2004) It looks like we are at 1 foot straight.
01-44-31: (User: 755510) ridge.
01-44-37: (User: 755510) For Claire Mobile.
01-44-40: (User: 2004) Let me try any more 44.
01-47-48: (User: 755510) for a specific title.
01-47-50: (User: 2004) Bye, everyone, go ahead.
01-47-53: (User: 755510) We’re back in session one.
01-47-56: (User: 2004) That in 147.
01-49-40: (User: 735654) Alright, bit about this. Thank you for watching that.
01-49-42: (User: 2004) What kind? All right Tom? All right, it was Mario reboot patch 3. Hey,
01-49-46: (User: 735654) 565
01-49-49: (User: 2004) 1.49
01-49-56: (User: 755550) First, that’s 550.
01-50-00: (User: 2004) Bye bye. Here we go, guys.
01-50-04: (User: 755550) Clear the detail back to session.
01-50-09: (User: 2004) One-tubby.



6411_Waterford PD C-C_



8311_NYS Park PD_

Old Versions

P_111 [112]_Fire 1 _,_Fire 2 _

P_111 [114]_Fire 1 _,_TAC-4_

P_111 [116]_Fire 1 _,_TAC-6_

P_111 [117]_Fire 1 _,_TAC-7_

P_111 [118]_Fire 1 _,_TAC-8_

P_111 [125]_Fire 1 _,_TAC-50_

P_111 [4191, 1112]_Fire 1 _,_Washington I_O_,_Sheriff 1_

P_111 [4191]_Fire 1 _,_Washington I_O_

P_1112 [1135, 1136, 1137, 111]_Sheriff 1_,_TAC-15_,_TAC-16_,_TAC-17_,_Fire 1 _

P_1112 [1135]_Sheriff 1_,_TAC-15_

P_1112 [1136, 3214]_Sheriff 1_,_TAC-16_,_TAC-24 Inter_

P_1112 [4191, 111]_Sheriff 1_,_Washington I_O_,_Fire 1 _

P_1112_Sheriff 1_

P_1113 [111]_Sheriff 2_,_Fire 1 _

P_111_Fire 1 _

P_112 [111]_Fire 2 _,_Fire 1 _

P_112_Fire 2 _





P_2111 [1112]_EMS 1_,_Sheriff 1_

P_2112 [111, 112, 6056]_EMS 2_,_Fire 1 _,_Fire 2 _,_StogaSpr FD_

P_2112 [111, 112]_EMS 2_,_Fire 1 _,_Fire 2 _

P_2112 [112, 111]_EMS 2_,_Fire 2 _,_Fire 1 _

P_4111 [1112]_C-TAC_,_Sheriff 1_

P_4156 [111]_PSAP 56_,_Fire 1 _

P_4156 [112, 117]_PSAP 56_,_Fire 2 _,_TAC-7_

P_4156 [6056]_PSAP 56_,_StogaSpr FD_

P_4156_PSAP 56_

P_4190 [111]_Fulton I_O_,_Fire 1 _

P_4191_Washington I_O_

P_5611 [6056]_S Springs PD_,_StogaSpr FD_

P_5611_S Springs PD_

P_6056 [124]_StogaSpr FD_,_TAC-40_

P_6056 [129]_StogaSpr FD_,_TAC-90_

P_6056 [5611]_StogaSpr FD_,_S Springs PD_

P_6056_StogaSpr FD_